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Grants for Individuals & Collectives: Stream 2 Fall 2023

January 11, 2024

Stream 2 grant recipient Deepshikha Joshi.

With funding from Stream 2 of the Individuals & Collectives program, artists and arts professionals may receive support to pursue mentorship, attend a residency, or other forms of professional development. Projects may be individual or collective, and grants are available up to $10,000 based on projected expenses, including artist subsistence. It is not necessary for an application to Stream 2 to be connected to a specific work, but receiving mentorship, attending a residency or professional development may be directed towards potential future work

Seventeen (17) artists are recommended for the Fall 2023 Individuals & Collectives Stream 2 grant, for a total of $139,776.

Read on to learn about the successful applicants from the Winter 2023 intake and the professional development opportunities they are pursuing: 

  • Annette Loiselle will launch her re-entry as an independent director, actor and writer by taking a five-day professional development workshop with Frantic Assembly in Los Angeles, CA this winter. 
  • Beppie participated in a conference and showcase opportunity for Children’s Artist of the Year nominees at Breakout West in Kelowna, BC
  • Bob L’Heureux will expand his experience and knowledge shooting with film by attending the five-day American Society of Cinematographers Film Masterclass in Los Angeles, CA
  • Chris Dodd of the Postmarginal collective in conjunction with Peter Farbridge and the other collective members will organize a series of workshops and presentations that will bring together 40 diverse artists, academics and cultural workers to examine the aesthetic and ethical possibilities of difference. 
  • Deepshikha Joshi will increase her proficiency in advanced composition techniques and their spontaneous expression in performances through a series of lessons and mentorship over a period of 12 months. 
  • Emma Ryan will complete a one-year professional acting program at The Barrow Group in New York in June 2024
  • Eric Awuah will study traditional and contemporary Ghanaian palm drumming techniques. 
  • JINTING will enhance her skills in music production and engineering through mentoring and will attend the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM Show 2024) in California to develop skills and professional networks. 
  • John Krizan, along with fellow artist Jill Allan, will complete a month-long residency at Firehall Studio in Greenville, Tennessee with mentor Mark Russell. As well as explore the region which is rich with craft schools, studios, supplies and institutions. 
  • Julia Rose will spend four weeks in Vancouver training and receiving mentorship in heels and other dance styles with the aim to bring her learnings back to Edmonton and be a better instructor. 
  • Kelly Ruth will develop her skills by taking Unity software lessons in order to compete nationally and internationally for exhibit opportunities focused on virtual reality in contemporary new media art. 
  • Kito Lee Son will attend an immersive fellowship to better understand the art of steelpan, learn how to arrange music for solo panists and orchestras, and leapfrog the evolution of Edmonton’s steelpan community. 
  • Lauren Brady will train with Spymonkey Physical Theatre in London, UK at their spring 2024 three-week clown training workshop. 
  • Libbie Farrell is creating a new body of print-based work while working as one of SNAP Gallery’s Emerging Artists in Residence. 
  • Skye Grinde will deepen their knowledge as a projection designer by learning Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Projection Design, and Qlab from their long-time mentor Erin Gruber. 
  • Sophie May Healey will take a workshop on Le Jeu,” a theatrical method originated and taught by Philippe Gaulier at his school in Etampes, France. 
  • Viktoria Grynenko will undertake an intensive three-week residency with New Chamber Ballet in New York as Musician in Residence. 

Learn more about Stream 1 and Stream 3 recipients from the fall cycle on the blog.