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edmonton's artistic hub and creative catalyst

Funding FAQ

For artists & organizations

The staff at the Edmonton Arts Council are knowledgeable about the arts in Edmonton and want to help your artistic endeavours succeed. We are always happy to discuss your latest projects and plans, answer questions, or address concerns.

The following questions about our programs and calls are updated on an ongoing basis, based on new and commonly received inquiries. If your question is not answered below, you have additional questions or would like to speak with us to clarify anything at all, reach out to info@​edmontonarts.​ca or 7804242787 for general inquiries, or view the staff directory.

Wall Saying Hello in Green and Yellow Tiles in Churchill Square Edmonton
Happy Wall by Thomas Dambo in Churchill Square

How to apply for funding

Interested in applying for funding? Read this overview of the process to help get you started.

Find the right funding opportunity

We have grant programs in two categories. Read the guidelines and eligibility requirements for each program to make sure it’s a good fit.

For individuals

Are you a solo artist or member of a collective looking for funding and help bringing your art to life? Check out our programs for individuals and collectives:
-Individuals & Collectives
-Equity & Access in the Arts
-Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund

For organizations

Are you part of an arts organization or festival looking for funding? Learn more about our programs for organizations:
-Invent & Adapt
-Operating Investments
-Annual Programming Grants
-Connections & Exchanges Initiatives

Learn more about all of our programs, and their deadlines.

Ask us questions

We’re here to help get you into the right program. Reach out to the Arts Development and Investment team by email grants@​edmontonarts.​ca or phone 7804242787 with all your questions, big or small, related to the EAC’s funding opportunities, capacity building, and/​or professional development.

Start your application

Ready to apply? If you haven’t used our online application portal SmartSimple before, you’ll need to create a user account and applicant profile before you can begin any application. Step-by-step instructions for completing your registration are available here.

Once you’ve logged in and completed your SmartSimple profile, you can find the EAC’s available opportunities under the Open Opportunities” icon. When you start an application, you can save and return to it anytime. 

Review and submit your application

A team member can review your draft application with you if you email us at least 10 business days prior to the application deadline. 

Give your application a final check. When you’re ready, click submit!

Applications will be assessed

The Arts Development and Investment team ensure the submitted applications meet the program’s eligibility criteria and required fields are complete. Then a panel of diverse, knowledgeable members from the artistic community will review the applications and conduct the assessment. Applications are evaluated against the criteria listed in the guidelines for each grant. 

This process, on average, takes 12 to 16 weeks. Thank you for your patience! 

We will be in touch

Applicants will receive notification of the results and information on the next steps, via a notification email from SmartSimple. 

To ensure you don’t miss any important email notifications, please keep an eye on your spam or junk folders. You can also check your SmartSimple profile for notifications. 


Am I eligible for funding?

The EAC supports Edmonton-based artists and arts organizations working in all artistic disciplines and their various cultural forms. We accept applications from all disciplines including music, drama, dance, Indigenous arts, Deaf and Disability arts, visual arts, literature, theatre, film, media arts, multidisciplinary, storytelling, fine craft, and combinations thereof.

Although eligibility varies by program, general requirements for art or festival organizations include:

  • An arts or festival organization with demonstratable impact and program offerings in Edmonton / amiskwaciy-wâskahikan that has been registered as a non-profit society for at least one year.
  • Grants are not intended to support organizations that are primarily training or educational institutions.
Eligibility for individuals and collectives varies by program, some general requirements include:
  • An individual artist must be a resident of Edmonton / amiskwaciy-wâskahikan at the time of application. This includes the City of Edmonton and the Indigenous communities of Enoch Cree Nation, Alexander First Nation, Paul First Nation and Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation;
  • Must be 18 years of age or older; 
  • Must be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or have a valid open work permit;
  • Must have no overdue Edmonton Arts Council final reports;
  • If applying as a collective, the majority of members be eligible as individuals as described above.

Review the specific program guidelines to see if you are eligible and reach out to the Arts Development & Investment team by email or phone at 7804242787 if you have any questions.

As a newcomer to Canada, can I apply?

To be eligible for our grants, individuals must be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or have a valid open work permit. For collectives, this applies to the majority of the collective’s members. We are required to issue a T4A form for income tax purposes for all grants to individuals and you’ll need to report income to the CRA.

Application support

What kind of help is available?

Those facing barriers while completing their application may be eligible for Access Support. A barrier can include, but is not limited to, language, culture, physical or cognitive limitations, or any inequity that may complicate completing an application. This support provides funding for specialized assistance in conveying the artists’ ideas. This could include hiring a typist, interpreter, translator, or other type of support worker to help with submitting a clear application that accurately reflects the artist’s ideas and intentions. Normally, professional grant writers are not supported by this program unless they are assisting the artist with a specific barrier. Eligible assistance will be supported up to $500. For more information, contact grants@​edmontonarts.​ca or phone: 7804242787

Can I get someone to review my application?

If you would like someone to review your application with you, please contact us at grants@​edmontonarts.​ca or 7804242787 at least 10 business days in advance of the application deadline. We may not be able to accommodate requests for review made any closer to the deadline. The support offered by our team includes:

  • Clarifying which stream best aligns with your project’s goals and outcomes. 
  • Help to define the intentions and outcomes of your grant application.
  • Reviewing budgets and support materials.

Application process

These short videos are meant to assist you with some of the specific terms and concepts used in our application process.

What do we mean by artist collective?

What's in an artist resume or CV?

What should I include in support materials?

How do I measure success?

How much should I pay people?

What if my project is bigger than this grant?


How will my application be assessed?

After you submit your application, the Arts Development and Investment team reviews it. This includes confirming you have submitted a complete application and are eligible to receive funding. 

Once all eligible submissions have been identified, staff will provide the applications to an assessment panel of diverse, knowledgeable members of the artistic community. Assessors review each application in their pool, evaluating according to the assessment criteria listed in the guidelines for the grant program. Following the individual review, assessors meet to discuss applications and recommend funding decisions. Confirmation of grant recommendations is conducted by EAC staff, after which time all applicants are informed of the outcome of their application. 

How are assessors selected?

Assessors are recruited in several ways, including self-identification in SmartSimple and direct recruitment by EAC staff. The panel composition, such as the number of people and relevant skills or backgrounds, is determined by EAC. The following are considerations when determining panels and peer assessors: 

  • Number of applications received 
  • Intention and scope of the funding opportunity 
  • Scheduling and availability 
  • Discipline-specific and other experience 

Once all eligible submissions are reviewed, assessors that fairly represent the applicant community, including artistic peers, individuals with specific expertise, and other community members valuable to the assessment process are convened. 

Assessment panels must be approved by the Associate Executive Director, Programs, Services & Access.

How do I become an assessor?

Being selected as an assessor can be a rewarding opportunity to engage with other artists from multiple disciplines, offer your skills and perspective, and support the EAC and our arts community. 

Assessment is a crucial and important part of the EAC’s processes, and requires the following: 

  • Dedicated time and a personal commitment for the duration of the process. 
  • Maintaining confidentiality and identifying all Conflicts of Interest. 
  • Awareness of EAC’s mission, mandate, values and the 10-year Connections & Exchanges plan. 
  • Professionalism and time management skills. 
  • Ability to work independently as well as with others and make group decisions. 
  • Being respectful of diverse opinions and viewpoints.

Assessors are paid an honorarium for their time in assessment meetings. If you are interested in being considered for future assessor opportunities, please get in touch with the Arts Development and Investment team. 

Can I get feedback on my application after it’s been assessed?

Yes, we encourage you to reach out to the team for specific feedback on your application. Keep in mind our grants receive dozens to hundreds of applications and are highly competitive. A successful grant application does not guarantee success on subsequent applications. Likewise, an unsuccessful application should not deter you from applying for other grants.

Information for Grant Recipients

My application was successful! What are my next steps?

You will receive a Funding Agreement that outlines the terms of your grant including our recognition and reporting requirements. You are required to sign the agreement and submit it to us in order to release payment. If you have any questions concerning the Funding Agreement, reach out to us.

Do I need to pay taxes on funding I receive from the EAC?

The Edmonton Arts Council is required by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to issue T4A slips to individuals who receive funds in excess of $500 per calendar year. You will need to report this income when you file your personal taxes. For your tax-related questions, contact the Canada Revenue Agency or a qualified financial advisor.

More questions?

Have a question that isn’t answered here?

Contact us by email at grants@​edmontonarts.​ca or by phone at 7804242787.


Read our glossary to understand important funding related terms and how we use them.


The practice of making information, activities, and/​or environments sensible, meaningful, and usable for as many people as possible.


An adaptation or adjustment to make something accessible. See also: Accessibility.


An individual who has committed their time and expertise to an art practice and the creation of artistic work. That expertise and commitment can be demonstrated by any combination of the following: completed training, an apprenticeship, recognition by community and peers, the completion of a body of artwork, a record of public presentation, or the receipt of pay for artwork.

Artist collective

A group of artists that substantially work together over time such that authority, decision-making, risks and rewards are materially shared.

Arts ecosystem

The multi-faceted environment in which artists live and work, and their creations exist. A healthy arts ecosystem can ensure the well-being of artists, the sustainability of their practice, and maximize the arts’ capacity to improve communities and quality of life for the benefit of citizens today and in the future.

Artistic practice

The regular work of an artist. This includes creative activities and supporting efforts toward the creation of artistic work.

Arts professional

An individual who derives a significant portion of their livelihood working in a field that supports the work of artists, and/​or with arts and festival organizations. 


Any process by which the Edmonton Arts Council gathers information and data about the work of an applicant artist or organization. Assessment often informs funding recommendations. 


Any obvious or subtle obstacles that prevent a desired outcome for a person. In this context, barriers usually refer to circumstances, history, or systems that prevent or hinder equity. See also: Equity.”


An Acronym for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. See also: Equity.”

Community arts

Also known as community-engaged art”, or artist and community collaboration”. Refers to the practice of art based in, and generated by, a community setting. An arts practice that involves artists co-creating artwork with community members to bring their stories and experiences to light. Community art can also include elements of social activism. 


The practice of collaborative development of a work of art, or other creation. Co-creation generally includes the involvement of non-experts or those who bring innovative or diverse perspectives.


Describes a generalized collection of artistic work that is similar in nature or practice.


The recognition of the unique characteristics and qualities we all possess. It is the understanding, acknowledgment, and/​or measurement of the differences apparent in any one group, organization, or physical space. See also: Equity” and Inclusion.”

Edmonton resident

A person who currently and regularly lives within the corporate City limits of Edmonton. With some of our grant programs, there are time requirements, such as resident for at least 12 months.” 


Equity refers to achieving parity in policy, process and outcomes for historically and/​or currently underrepresented and/​or marginalized people and groups while accounting for diversity. The recognition that not everyone starts from the same place or history and that deliberate measures to remove barriers to opportunities may be needed to ensure fair processes and outcomes. See also Diversity” and Inclusion.”


Any financial obligation incurred by an individual or organization. It can be a single transaction, or a total of all costs incurred within a period (usually a year, or the duration of a project).

Financial statements

A set of financial reports, including, at minimum, an income statement and balance sheet, often prepared with the assistance of a financial professional. When those reports are approved by an appropriate organizational process, such as a vote of the Board or Membership, they become a formal record of the financial condition of the organization such as an Annual Financial Statement. 


Funding or a grant is a financial investment in an organization, individual, or specific project. Unlike a loan, grants do not need to be repaid but do require follow-up reporting or other commitments in exchange for the investment. 


The practice or quality of inviting, involving and engaging people from a range of different social backgrounds, genders, social orientations, etc. Encouraging a sense of belonging. See also: Diversity” and Equity.”

Indigenous arts

Artistic practice that is centered on the lived experiences, and creative expressions of Indigenous people, including both customary and contemporary practices. 


A contribution to an initiative that involves the loan or donation of materials, equipment or a location, or the contribution of professional services. An in-kind contribution must be recognized financially as both revenue (as a donation) and as an equal expense (the cost that would have been incurred if the donation had not been made.) 


Artistic work in which no one artistic discipline is primary.


A favorable prospect or chance for advancement or for attainment of a goal. The EAC uses the term to broadly refer to support for artists and organizations to advance or obtain their goals. Examples of opportunities include funding, grants, awards, and calls to artists. See also: funding/​grant

Peer assessment

A process in which individuals with appropriate skills, knowledge and abilities provide a response to a proposal or past body of work. Peer Assessors can come together as a group or respond individually. These responses may or may not be directly linked to granting decisions. See also: Assessment.

Professional development

Activities that directly engage with and enable individuals to improve their skills or knowledge at an advanced level based on their existing practice.


An activity with a specific start and end date, budget, and desired outcomes. 


The sum of all financial and in-kind resources gained.


Subsistence in this context refers to the cost of maintaining usual life patterns during a defined period such as that supported by a Project Grant. It is often expressed as a daily, weekly, or monthly total, and may include such elements as food, housing, local travel, and childcare. It does not include professional expenses related to pursuing artistic endeavour, such as paint for a visual artist or studio time for a dancer.